July 2020

COVID-19 Update from H.E. The GOVERNOR & The Hon. PREMIER


Executive Council met today July 12 to consider matters relating to the COVID-19 situation.

Cases/suspected cases – there are no active or suspected cases of COVID-19 in Anguilla, but we must not be complacent.  We ask you all to continue to practice social distancing and good basic hygiene to prevent the spread of all infectious diseases. 

Border Closure – based on the current situation, the borders will remain closed for passenger movements until at least July 30 except for:

  • medical emergencies and evacuations with the approval of the Chief Medical Officer; and
  • persons wishing to leave Anguilla on flights/boats to approved destinations.

Repatriation –  To date almost 200 persons have been repatriated without incident. However, based on the rapidly evolving situation, particularly the significant increase in cases in the Americas, Executive Council today took the difficult decision to suspend repatriations from countries and territories with active cases of more than 0.2 percent of the population. This figure has been determined, based on the best current technical advice. This suspension is effective immediately and will remain in place until July 25 at the earliest.  This decision was driven by the need to protect the health of the nation.

Executive Council advises that persons who have registered on the COVID-19 website but not yet approved to travel should shelter in place until further notice. This suspension does not impact persons already approved to be repatriated. It also does not impact repatriation from certain Caribbean and European countries with low percentages of active COVID-19 cases. A list of these countries will be published on the beatcovid19 website.

Protecting Anguilla from illegal entry – we continue to judge that illegal and therefore uncontrolled boat landings remain the greatest threat to our health and security. Coordinated land, sea and air patrols remain in place and anyone attempting or assisting an illegal crossing will be arrested. We thank you all for your vigilance in reporting any boat movements.  Should you have any information you wish to share with the authorities you can do so in confidence at – www.gov.ai/911.

Prohibition on boat use – regulations prohibiting the use of any boat in Anguilla’s waters unless specifically exempted remain in force until 30 July. 

Playing your part – the steps we have all been taking are helping to keep us safe.  No active cases does not mean we should stop hygienic practices or respiratory etiquette.  So once again, we urge you all to take the simple steps that save lives:

  • wash your hands frequently;
  • cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue, or in the crook of a flexed elbow; 
  • frequently clean and disinfect shared spaces and work surfaces; and 
  • avoid contact with persons suffering from or exhibiting symptoms of acute respiratory infections such as the flu, coughs, and colds.

Let us remind you again of the Ministry of Health hotline on COVID-19. The number is 1-264- 476- 7627 that is 476 SOAP, or 1-264- 584- 4263, that is 584-HAND.

You can also access the most recent guidance and information at www.beatcovid19.ai