March 2020

Immigration Travel Advisory


The Immigration Department wishes to advise all Anguillians and residents of Anguilla seeking to return home, to travel with proof of Anguillian residency in the event that it is required by any airline or ferry when travelling. This can be in the form of:

  • A British Overseas Territory Citizen Passport – Anguilla
  • An Anguilla Belonger Certificate
  • A passport bearing a Belonger Stamp
  • A passport bearing a Resident Stamp
  • A passport bearing a Permanent Resident stamp
  • A passport bearing a Work Permit Stamp

It is important to note that air and sea ports will close for 14 days to passengers in and out of Anguilla at 11:59pm Friday 20 March 2020. Travelers should be guided accordingly.

Should any person encounter any difficulties in attempting to return to Anguilla, please contact the Immigration Department via email: [email protected] or Telephone: 264 497 3994