March 2020

The Ministry of Health Seeks Public’s Cooperation in Complying with Quarantine Measures


Over the past week, the Ministry of Health has noted an increase in the number of persons returning to Anguilla from countries where there is widespread community transmission of COVID-19.

Pursuant to the quarantine laws of Anguilla, such persons are being instructed to observe a 14-day self-quarantine. Quarantine is a process by which persons who may have been exposed to a disease but who have no symptoms of the disease are kept away from other people until the incubation period of the disease has passed.

Quarantine measures help to protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease. In the case of COVID-19, this applies especially to the most vulnerable members of our population such as older persons and persons with underlying non- communicable disease. These persons are most at risk of death from the virus. Such measures include

  • Staying home in order to avoid contact with others
  • Not going to school or work and
  • Maintaining a distance of 6 feet from others

The general public is hereby advised that if persons are not compliant with these measures, the Ministry of Health will be forced to pursue more stringent measures as permissible under the law.

To date, Anguilla has no confirmed cases of COVID-19. We must continue every effort to prevent this virus from establishing a foothold in our community.

Members of the public are urged to practice hygienic measures to protect against COVID-19:

  • Frequent Handwashing; if water is unavailable utilize an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Covering coughs or sneezes with a disposable tissue or in the crook of a flexed elbow.
  • Avoiding contact with persons who are ill with symptoms of acute respiratory infections such as fever or cough.
  • Regular clean surfaces and objects that are frequently touched or handled.

The Ministry of Health has established a hotline for the general public wishing for information on COVID- 19 and for persons who feel they have been exposed to COVID-19. The number is 1-264-476-7627 or 476 SOAP. The Ministry will continue to provide timely updates through our media partners, our official Facebook page and the government website at .